Upgrading your Closets with a Personal Touch
Spring is here and summer is around the corner.
Time to organize your closets.
We will start with an older closet that had a straight pole running across the top.
Then we will show how you can personalize your closets to meet your clothing/accessory needs.
Here is the closet before the big makeover:
- Closet before the big makeover
- Another shot at closet before makeover
- Third shot of closet before makeover – see how everything is hanging from one bar and is scrunched in the middle.
Here is the closet in its naked state:
Now, look at the closet with a personal touch. Owner needs certain amount of space for pants, dresses and shoes. Everyone’s different and we take that into account when designing new closets.
- Building new closet – check out all the cool sections and how everything is organized
- Finished closet is now rocking and rolling in organization. You couldn’t not find anything, really!